
Financial Management

Billing and collection of dues, special assessments and late fees are part of day-to-day operations.  Each homeowner would be provided with a coupon book which contains payment stubs that are processed directly by the bank.  Additional options include online payment and ACH Debit which can be done through the bank or internally through our management software.  While credit card payments are an option through the online banking process there is a fee charged directly by the bank for processing.  All other payment options are free of charge.  Our software system generates delinquency notices and various reports used to follow due process in the pursuit of collection policies through both governmental and Association policies.

Invoices are approved and coded by the community association manager and then entered into our management software to ensure prompt payment and appropriate tracking for reporting purposes.  Per the management contract, any services outside the normal budget scope or exceeding manager approval limits are forwarded to the Board for approval prior to commencement of service.  The manager is willing to work with both the POA and HOA to ensure proper allocation of expenses and budgetary needs.

Reconciliation of all banking accounts is done monthly prior to submission of unaudited financial reports to Boards or Committees.  This process allows the manager to ensure accurate and up to date reporting of bank balances and appropriation of funding.  Monthly reporting includes: Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Budget Comparison, check detail register, aged receivable reports indicating status of collection, bank reconciliations and reserve fund statements.  Our software allows variations and additional reports which can be adjusted based on specific needs or desire of the community.

SCM works directly with the Board or Financial Committee to ensure an accurate and fiscally responsible budget.  Each year we will prepare a proposed budget based upon historical trends or estimated service requirements for review by the appropriate entity.    This information is provided at least 90 days in advance to allow for review, discussion, revision, and alternatives before final approval.  With the submission of monthly financial reports to the Board, the budget is analyzed, and recommendations are made to ensure proper control of expenditures.

SCM works directly with the Board or Committee regarding any unusual or non-recurring expenditure, reserve expenditure or capital improvements.  Reserve Studies are solicited and monitored pursuant to State legislation and governing documents with annual monitoring for planning and preparation of projects.

Tax returns are filed each year by a 3rd party vendor.  By consolidating the filings for each community in our portfolio we can realize savings which are passed directly to the community.  Audit services are also provided by a third party which various firms available to choose from.  We will work with the Board or Committee to ensure the appropriate fit for the Associations individual needs.

Disclosure packets, PUD Questionnaires, etc. are handled through  This option provides reliable, around-the-clock online access to all governing documents and critical project data for lenders, closing agents, real estate professionals and homeowners from Stellar’ s managed communities. simplifies the process of obtaining the association information required and allows accurate tracking of the Resale process. Fees charged through this process are compliant with state legislation and area standards.

Homeowner records are kept within files and are maintained by address to allow for historical tracking of properties.  Tracking of ARC information, collection information, covenant information and maintenance information is stored within a homeowners file in both hard copy and through our management software.  Tracking is available through our software for covenant enforcement and work orders.  Specific work order reports are helpful in establishing both historical trends in the community and budgetary needs.

Contract management is done for all contracts and includes assistance in the preparation of RFP’s, oversight of existing contracts, management of insurance information and monitoring of billing and payment.  The manager works closely with the Board or Committees to ensure compliance with contract parameters and performance.


A variety of options are available for communication to residents.  Communication through web-based options and e-mail are encouraged for both cost savings and tracking purposes.  Our software system allows for distribution of e-mail communications to all residents whether through newsletters, general announcements or even invoicing and statements.  Each staff member has a direct e-mail, and our phones are staffed by personnel who can provide quick and easy access to information.  Our office is open, and residents are greeted by friendly staff that can assist them with their questions and needs.  Additionally, should an owner need to pay an assessment immediately checks can be scanned directly from our office into the banking system to ensure proper and quick payment on accounts.  While our goal is to personally answer each call, there are times when the volume of calls is high, and a voice mail system allows residents to leave a detailed message.  It is our goal and mission to return all calls as quickly and efficiently as possible.  Our regular office hours are from 9:00 a.m. through 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.  On most days, a member of our staff is available in the office after 3:00 p.m. but this “closing” time allows for site inspections, meetings, and uninterrupted project preparation.  An emergency answering service is available 24 hours per day.

Through a partnership with our software, an Association website can be obtained that works in conjunction with TOPS.  Services can be customized to fit the needs of the community and pricing is based upon the number of homes and services required.  Prices vary based on the product selected.

Work directly with the Association in the distribution of Newsletters, Notices, Budgets, Resolutions, and any other communications necessary to keep residents informed and up to date on community issues and developments.  Communications can be sent electronically or through the postal service.

Administration and Coordination

SCM prepares and mails annual meeting notices, proxies, ballots & agendas and assist in the election of the Board and with the running of the Annual General Meeting.  Board of Director Notices may be mailed, e-mailed, or posted pursuant to the requirements of legislation and governing documents.  The Community Manager attends the HOA Annual Meeting and up to 4 Board of Director Meetings per year.  Should it be the desire of the Board, the Manager may record and prepare minutes of all HOA Board meetings.  There is no additional cost for this service.

Guidance is provided to the Board regarding legislative updates and procedures as well as assistance in the preparation of Resolutions and Rules.  Implementation and compliance with policies and change is communicated as required.  When necessary, the Community Manager will work with legal counsel on behalf of the HOA to assist the Board in ensuring compliance with all governing regulations or specific issues that arise relating to Association business.

Community inspections are performed at the direction of the Board and include review for covenant enforcement, ARC compliance, maintenance needs and contractor compliance. 

Architectural Review requests are received in the office and reviewed by the Community Relations Administrator to ensure compliance with the request form and are then forwarded to the appropriate parties for review.  A copy of all information is kept in the residence file and is communicated to the homeowner.

Assistance in the development of sound policies for maintenance and repairs will be developed with the Board or appropriate Committee.  Work order information is tracked and controlled within our management software program which allows for reporting and monitoring of items.  At times, various services fall under the scope of owner responsibility, but benefits can be passed on to both the Association and Owners through a group program.  SCM can work with the Board to establish broad range improvement programs to reduce individual owner cost while encouraging community compliance with governing documents and improved aesthetics.